What is Input Tax Credit: Key Aspects of ITC in GST

06 Oct 2023

In the intricate framework of the Goods and Services Tax (GST), the Input Tax Credit (ITC) emerges as a critical mechanism. ITC allows businesses to counterbalance the GST levied on input costs against the GST on outputs, minimizing the overall tax burden and enhancing their competitive edge.

What is Input Tax Credit (ITC) in GST?

The Input Tax Credit, known in short as ITC, is a credit system where companies can deduct the GST charged on their inputs from the GST due on their outputs. This approach reduces the cascading effect of taxes, ensuring businesses are taxed only on the value-added aspects of their offerings.

Benefits of ITC:

  1. Reduced Tax Liability: Lower your final GST payments, freeing up valuable resources for business growth.
  2. Enhanced Competitiveness: Offer competitive prices by minimizing tax costs.
  3. Improved Cash Flow: Delay in paying GST on outputs creates a positive cash flow advantage.
  4. Enhanced Compliance: The mechanism of ITC encourages businesses to maintain accurate and timely documentation of their taxes paid on inputs, promoting a culture of compliance with tax laws.
  5. Fair Taxation: ITC ensures that taxes are levied fairly, based on value addition at each stage, making the GST a more equitable system of taxation.

Input Tax Credit: A Practical Example

Imagine a local bookstore that sources books from a publisher.

  1. The bookstore procures books valued at ₹10,000 and is charged a GST of 18%, amounting to ₹1,800.
  2. When these books are subsequently sold to customers for ₹15,000, the GST applied is ₹2,700 (18% of ₹15,000).
  3. Now, rather than remitting the entire ₹2,700 as GST, the bookstore can utilize the previously paid ₹1,800 as a credit.
  4. This means the net GST liability for the bookstore becomes merely ₹900 (₹2,700 – ₹1,800).

Through this example, it’s evident that the Input Tax Credit ensures that businesses aren’t burdened with redundant tax levies, paying only for the added value.

Key Features of Input Tax Credit

  1. Broad Scope: ITC can be claimed on nearly all goods and services, barring those explicitly exempted from GST.
  2. Capital Goods Benefit: Capital goods, pivotal for many enterprises, also qualify for ITC. For a comprehensive understanding, refer to ITC 04 filing.
  3. Flexibility with Supply Types: Both taxable and exempt supplies can claim ITC. However, for exempted ones, proration is applied.
  4. Timeliness: GST guidelines specify a timeframe for claiming ITC to prevent undue delays.

The Process to Claim Input Tax Credit under GST

To avail ITC, businesses must:

  1. Tax Invoice Acquisition: Obtain a valid tax invoice from the supplier.
  2. GSTR-2A Reconciliation: Ensure this invoice is reflected in the GSTR-2A return.
  3. Filing GSTR-3B with ITC: File the GSTR-3B return, incorporating the ITC claim within.

For an in-depth understanding, visit the GST returns filing guide.

Distinguishing Between Eligible and Ineligible Input Tax Credits

Eligible ITC encompasses:

  • GST on business-oriented goods and services.
  • GST on capital assets.
  • GST on inputs intended for both taxable and exempt supplies, adjusted accordingly.

Ineligible ITC includes:

  • GST on items destined for personal use.
  • GST on exempted goods and services.
  • GST on purchases from unregistered vendors.

Special Case: ITC on Job Work

Running a business often involves outsourcing tasks. In GST, this can involve job work, where you send goods to another entity for processing. The good news is, you can still claim ITC on the inputs sent, but with specific conditions:

  • Maintain proper records of sent and received goods.
  • File Form ITC-04 quarterly or half-yearly, depending on your turnover.
  • Ensure the job worker is registered under GST.

Remember: For official resources and deeper insights, always refer to the GST Portal.

Synergy of Input Tax Credit and Income Tax Filings

Though ITC doesn’t directly reflect in income tax returns, its influence on business finances is undeniable. By curtailing the COGS, ITC indirectly elevates profit margins. A boost in profits often leads to heightened income tax liabilities. For SMEs navigating these intricacies, the GST audits guide could be invaluable.


The Input Tax Credit (ITC) is a linchpin in the GST regime. It offers businesses an effective means to reduce their tax burden. Those in finance or managing businesses must deeply understand ITC to harness the maximum tax benefits under GST.

Related blog:-
ITC Claim Rules: Your Guide to Claiming Input Tax Credits Effectively
Reversal of Input Tax Credit: A Detailed Guide for Businesses

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