How MSME Can Save Government Tax?

29 Jul 2023

Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) play a vital role in India’s economic growth and development. As the backbone of the nation’s business landscape, MSMEs can harness various tax incentives and provisions offered by the government to save significantly on taxes.

In this blog, we will explore some essential strategies and measures that can help MSMEs reduce their tax burden while ensuring compliance with the law.

1. Presumptive Taxation Scheme

Under Section 44AD of the Income Tax Act, eligible MSMEs can opt for the Presumptive Taxation Scheme. This scheme allows them to be taxed on a presumptive basis at a specified percentage of their total turnover or gross receipts. By doing so, MSMEs are relieved from maintaining detailed books of accounts, reducing the compliance burden and potentially leading to lower tax liability.

2. Deduction for Business Expenses

MSMEs can claim deductions for legitimate business expenses incurred to generate income. Common deductible expenses include rent, salaries, office supplies, utilities, and other business-related costs. Keeping thorough records of these expenses can help maximize tax benefits.

3. Investment in Plant & Machinery

Taking advantage of depreciation provisions, MSMEs can claim deductions on the depreciation of assets like machinery and equipment used for business purposes. This helps in reducing the taxable income and consequently, the tax payable.

4. R&D Tax Benefits

MSMEs engaged in research and development activities can claim deductions on R&D expenses. Additionally, they may be eligible for a weighted deduction on R&D expenditures, encouraging innovation and growth.

5. Startup Tax Benefits

Startups in the MSME sector can avail various tax benefits under the Startup India initiative. These benefits may include an income tax holiday for a specified number of years and exemptions from capital gains tax for investments made by eligible investors.

6. GST Benefits

MSMEs with an annual turnover below a certain threshold can opt for the GST Composition Scheme. This simplifies the return filing process and allows them to pay GST at a lower rate, thereby reducing the compliance burden and tax liability.

7. Export Promotion Incentives

MSMEs engaged in export activities can avail export promotion incentives like the Merchandise Exports from India Scheme (MEIS) or the Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS) to reduce taxes and boost export competitiveness.

8. Registration under MSME Act

Registering under the MSME Act can provide certain benefits like easier access to credit, lower interest rates on loans, and exemption from certain state-specific taxes, further easing the financial strain.

9. Tax Planning

Engaging in effective tax planning throughout the financial year can help identify potential deductions, exemptions, and incentives applicable to the specific business, thereby reducing the overall tax liability.

10. Timely Compliance

Ensuring timely filing of tax returns and other necessary compliance requirements is crucial to avoid penalties and interest charges, safeguarding the MSME from unnecessary financial burdens.


As MSMEs continue to play a pivotal role in India’s economic growth, optimizing tax-saving strategies becomes essential for their sustainability and success. By leveraging the various tax incentives and provisions offered by the government, MSMEs can not only reduce their tax burden but also bolster their competitiveness in the market. Staying updated with the latest tax laws and regulations, and seeking guidance from tax professionals, will empower MSMEs to navigate the taxation landscape legally and efficiently.

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