Employment Taxes: A Comprehensive Guide for Employers in India

02 Nov 2023


Navigating through the maze of employment taxes can be challenging for employers in India. With various provisions, regulations, and compliances, understanding these obligations is pivotal for businesses. In this guide, we will delve deep into employment taxes, income tax for salaried employees, and more.

Understanding Employment Taxes: The Core Concepts:

What is the meaning of employment tax?:

Employment taxes encompass all the taxes employers need to deduct from the wages of employees. This includes the income tax for salaried employees, professional tax, and other relevant charges.

Employment Tax in India Defined:

In India, employment tax often refers to the income tax deducted at the source for salaried individuals. However, the broader context also covers other employer obligations, which fall under different income tax brackets in India.

TDS (Tax Deducted at Source) on Salaries: A Closer Look:

How much is tax on employment?:

TDS is primarily based on the income tax bracket India has set for different wage ranges. You can understand the precise bracketing and rates on the official government portal for income tax India e-filing.

Compliance and Procedures:

Employers must ensure timely deposit of TDS and file necessary returns. The process is streamlined through the income tax India e-filing system.

The tax brackets for individuals in India for the assessment year 2023-24 are as follows:

Slab Income Range (in INR) Tax Rate (%) Surcharge (%) Cess (%) Total Tax Rate (%)
1 Up to 2,50,000 Nil Nil Nil Nil
2 2,50,001 to 5,00,000 5 Nil 4 9
3 5,00,001 to 7,50,000 20 Nil 4 24
4 7,50,001 to 10,00,000 20 10 4 34
5 10,00,001 to 12,50,000 30 10 4 44
6 12,50,001 to 15,00,000 30 15 4 49
7 Above 15,00,000 30 15 4 49


  • 10% on income exceeding 50 lakh but not exceeding 1 crore
  • 15% on income exceeding 1 crore but not exceeding 2 crore
  • 25% on income exceeding 2 crore but not exceeding 5 crore
  • 37% on income exceeding 5 crore


  • 4% on total income

Note: The above tax rates are applicable to individuals who are not senior citizens or super senior citizens. Senior citizens (60 to 80 years old) and super senior citizens (above 80 years old) have different tax slabs and rates.

Please note that the above tax rates are for illustrative purposes only. The actual tax payable may vary depending on individual circumstances. It is advisable to consult a tax advisor to compute your exact tax liability.

Decoding Professional Tax (PT):

State-Led Regulation:

Professional Tax (PT) is a state-level tax that is imposed on professionals and salaried employees. The amount varies from state to state, and it’s essential to be aware of the specific income tax India regulations governing PT in your region.

Registration and Operations:

Businesses need to register for Professional Tax in states where it’s applicable. The process often involves online registration on the respective state’s portal, followed by regular filings and updates.

Employee Provident Fund (EPF): The Retirement Backbone:

Contribution Dynamics:

The EPF is a savings platform that assists salaried individuals in saving a portion of their salary every month, contributing towards their retirement. Both the employer and the employee make equal contributions to this fund. The rate is periodically reviewed by the government.

Significance and Compliance:

Apart from being a retirement corpus, EPF also acts as a financial cushion during emergencies. Employers need to register on the EPFO portal and ensure timely contributions and compliance with the set guidelines.

Employees’ State Insurance (ESI): Health and Welfare Centralized:


ESI is a comprehensive social security scheme designed to provide healthcare and various other benefits to employees. Companies with a particular number of employees (usually 10 or more) are mandated to register under the ESI Act.

Contribution and Benefits:

Both the employer and the employee contribute to the ESI fund. The scheme offers medical benefits, disability compensation, and several other advantages to the registered members.

Gratuity: Rewarding Longevity:

Applicability and Calculation:

Gratuity is a lump sum amount paid to employees who have served a company for a specific period. The payment is calculated based on the last drawn salary and the number of years of service.

Tax Implications:

Gratuity received up to a certain limit is exempt from income tax for salaried employees. However, any amount beyond this threshold is subjected to the income tax bracket in India relevant to the employee’s total income.

Additional Perquisites and Their Tax Implications:

Employers often provide other benefits like house rent allowance, travel allowance, and more. Each of these has its own tax implications, and it’s vital to account for them when calculating employment taxes.

The Imperative of Compliance & Ensuing Penalties:

Staying compliant with all employment tax regulations is not just a legal mandate but also a responsibility for employers. Non-compliance can lead to hefty penalties and legal complications. Regularly checking updates on the income tax India e-filing portal can help in ensuring adherence to the latest guidelines.


Understanding employment taxes and their nuances is crucial for every employer in India. With diverse components ranging from TDS to Gratuity, being well-versed with each aspect ensures smooth operations and a compliant business environment. Always consider consulting with a tax expert or visiting the income tax India e-filing portal for up-to-date information and clarifications.

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